The Secret Sauce to Success

Why you don’t need motivation to reach your goals

Caffeinated and Confused
3 min readAug 10, 2020
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

I fucking hate the word motivation. Picture you’re in a relationship with the word motivation, you’d 100% dump them. They’re unreliable, temperamental, and never show up when you need them.

It is so easy to use “not having enough motivation” as an excuse not to do something. It’s something everyone, including myself, does. In truth, anything that you say you’re “not motivated enough to do” doesn’t actually mean that much to you.

To truly find success, it is absolutely imperative that you stay consistent. But how do you do something (or many things) consistently if it’s hard for you to even do them once? Well, here’s the answer, the “secret sauce” to success:

Merriam Webster defines will power as 1) the ability to control one’s own actions, emotions, or urges; and 2) “strong determination that allows one to do something difficult.”

If you want to get healthier but only exercise and make good nutrition choices when you’re motivated enough to do so, you won’t be making those choices for long. Be honest with yourself, how long are usually feeling motivated enough to so something that gets you lasting results? For me, I know that any motivation I have is fleeting. It is easy for me to get discouraged when I don’t see immediate progress. But I was able to overcame this by making conscious choices instead of impulsive decisions. If you exert your will power over the a situation in this way you’ll be much more successful in reaching your goals. As Nick Bare would say, “embrace the suck,” and get shit done.

Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

This is not to say you should never take a rest day or indulge in the occasional “cheat meal,” but these occasions should be few and far between when compared to what you’re going to have to do on a daily basis to reach your goals. Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t one big decision, it is a culmination of hundreds of choices you make every single day, week, and month. This is not a foolproof strategy but not relying solely on whatever motivation you may or may not have that day WILL bring you one step closer to creating the success you seek.

Follow me on Twitter and stay tuned for some more tips and tricks to living your best and healthiest lifestyle (or at least trying to).

Until next time,




Caffeinated and Confused

Welcome inside my (definitely) confused and (probably) caffeinated brain